Walk Along With Me is a solo project that originated from the love of slow travel.
From an early age I was carried away to every corner of the Belgian Limburg by my father. He is an avid walker and tried to pass this hobby on to me by 'compelling' me to go out. As a small child it was not always with full enthusiasm, entertaining a child by taking it for a walk is not easy. My dad tried to solve this by addressing my interests while walking. I am crazy about nature and everything that has to do with fauna and flora. My father saw the entertainment content in this and taught me all kinds of things, such as native plants and trees, but also about birds, mushrooms and mammals. In short, too much to mention, hence a word of thanks to my father who gave me this wonderful hobby of slow roads.
Over the years, walking is still in my blood. If I can find the time I can be found in one of our beautiful landscapes. I normally only hiked loop walks until I recently discovered GR trails. I knew the paths, of course, with the white-red markings. However, I never thought to delve into it. Until I decided to give it a try, my first challenge was getting off the GR5A. After the first stage I was immediately sold.
This blog will therefore mainly be about walking GR trails. There may also be stories of beautiful loop walks that I have walked with my family. I also publish reviews of the material used, such as hiking boots, hiking socks and so on.
I hope from the bottom of my heart that I inspire my readers to hit the road and pick up on the life of the slow traveler and experience how to enjoy it.
Enjoy reading
Blogger Jelle
verdiepen. Tot ik besloot het erop te wagen, mijn eerste uitdaging werd de GR5A afstappen. Na de eerste etappe was ik meteen verkocht.
Deze blog zal dan ook voornamelijk over het bewandelen van GR-paden gaan. Er kunnen ook verhalen tussen zitten van mooie luswandelingen die ik samen met mijn gezin bewandelt heb. In de verslagen die ik uitbreng zal er ook steeds de plaatselijk geschiedenis een plaatsje krijgen.
Ik hoop uit de grond van mijn hart dat ik mijn lezers inspireer om op pad te gaan en het leven van de trage reiziger op te pikken en te ervaren hoe je hier van kan genieten.
Veel leesplezier
Blogger Jelle